Introducing the Halifax Charity Gala Queens 2024

We are thrilled this year to not only have one but 4 Halifax Charity Gala Queens for 2024. The girls were the Gala Queen attendants last year and all did such a magnificent job, not only at the Gala but have spent their year supporting Halifax Calder Rotary club to fundraise for  Overate Hospice and The Air Ambulance. Even standing out in below freezing temperatures in December with Santa and his sleigh. They truly embody our leaders of the future with their spirit, talent, and compassion that truly make them agents of change. Defining the Halifax community. They are truly young people who will transform our society.


Ella Jayne
Ella Jayne

My name is Ella Jayne, and I am a student at Trinity Academy Halifax in Year 9. I am a member of StricklandCook Theatre Dance school and regularly engaged with outside activities in Performing Arts, Stage Theatre School and dance, having achieved Distinctions in dance exams. I perform at Victoria Theatre and Lawrence Batley Theatre in annual Pantomimes and show productions which include singing, dance and performing arts. I have a positive outlook on life, my personality and enthusiasm shines through whilst I try to bring out the best in others and encourage others to be confident in themselves. After being successfully chosen as a Gala Queen Attendant in 2023, I was delighted to have an opportunity to be considered as a Gala Queen for 2024. Last year was so much fun, meeting others and making new friends, we all had an amazing time. I am so looking forwards to seeing everyone attending the Gala in 2024.



Hollie age 16. Currently studying for my GCSE’s at Trinity Academy Grammar. I am an up and coming photographer that photos everything from weddings to sporting events. I have even been placed 2nd  in a national photographic competition. In the summer I am sailing on an Ocean Youth Trust tall ship,  and I am sure I will take some amazing pictures. I am really happy to be selected as one of 2024 Gala queens as the relationship we all had last year at this event was amazing. I have been told I am an excellent all rounder who is always eager and willing to lend a hand wherever it is needed.




Jess, aged 13, is in year 8 at Crossley Heath grammar school where she enjoys learning Mandarin and discovering how to cook different things in Food Technology. She is an active member of a local Scout Group and has been instrumental in their recent fund raising events for a summer camp. She enjoys the skills that this gives her the opportunity to experience including camping, archery and pioneering. She is hoping to be involved as a young leader when she moves up to be an  Explorer. Jess is very sporty with tennis; park runs and hiking being things she really enjoys. Most recently she has been volunteering at Junior Park run by leading warm ups, marshalling and tail walking. Jess is also eager to support the community of Calderdale.




Phoebe is 14 and attends Trinity Academy Halifax school. She is currently studying Music GCSE, allowing her to develop her violin skills as she works towards her Grade 3 exam. She is looking forward to playing in an orchestra in the Netherlands later this year. Phoebe is a member of 250 Halifax Squadron air cadets and was awarded squadron ‘Cadet of the Year’ in 2023. Being a cadet enhances her leadership and debating skills and has qualified as a first aider. Phoebe recently represented the squadron at a regional sports competition, winning gold, and bronze medals. She is currently working towards a bronze Duke of Edinburgh award to develop herself and others (and have fun whilst doing it!). In the future, Phoebe is aiming to be promoted at air cadets and hopes to go on to study Classics, Latin and Politics. Phoebe feels being Halifax Gala Queen gives her a fantastic opportunity to engage with the local community. She stands as a representative (and hopefully a good role model!) for the youth of Halifax and wants to inspire them to follow their dreams, just as she followed hers to become Gala Queen. She loves helping people and learning about their lives and experiences. Phoebe feels that the 2024 Halifax Gala will provide new and incredible experiences and memories.


Our Gala Queens were sponsored by Rotary Club of Halifax Calder